Leaderboard – 11|01|2023

News from the fleet:

Alexforbes ArchAngel
All is well on board finally moving again counting down the miles.
Champagne sailing conditions as the champagne is busy getting cold to celebrate finally crossing the meridian. Turned towards Rio this morning and set our waypoint for the finish line. Blew our light wind kite yesterday playing the apparent wind game.. so hoping the wind is more rather than less from now on. Conor spent the morning jury rigging a multimeter. Cheers with a corona in hand.
Argonaut crew.
Adventurerio 4
Yesterday we were becalmed for 7 hours! It was the worst calm so far (and we expect it to be the last). By early evening the wind came back and since then we are sailing with our spinnaker up. As we exploded one of our 3 kites at the beginning of the race, now we have to caress the remaining 2 until the finish.Wind isn’t strong now but at least we are sailing. The forecasts indicate that we shall have wind up to Rio. And we are praying for it! This race will last a lot longer than expected, and our provisions will be short at the end… During the calm we were really impressed by the quantity of plastic floating on the surface! We don’t notice it when the surface is agitated, but with the sea flat calm, you just can’t find a space without some garbage or plastic, specially microplastic. It’s really worrying! We also passed just 1m of a huge turtle that was probably sleeping on the surface. And our Captain was hit on the shoulder by a flying fish when helming during the night. Shosholoza
great run up the rhumb line this morning on a broad reach. now running deep with my whomping big S2 in light airs. stinking hot. #MustBeRio
We are on the move again, I almost, now I did say almost miss our duck pond, it really was beautiful and quite special to be able two swim in the middle of nowhere, relax, do washing and get all the boat maintenance done. But it was getting worrisome as the tracker was telling us we would reach Rio in September at the speed we were going…! With this in mind and to save gas we started to ration the boilng of the kettle – these guys can sure drink a lot of the hot stuff… For a few days this lead to lots of grumbling below decks and continous sarcastic comments on how hard life was – shame…! This morning Christmas came early, during the graveyard shift Chris and Oli remembered we had a portable gas stove and lots of gas cannisters – jubilation in the cockpit when everyone woke up! They even got a packet of biscuits with their cuppa to celebrate! A short time after the fishing line twitched, we had caught a dorado, within 10 minutes we were eating it freshly fried in garlic butter! Best day ever and it was only 10am!! Just as I was finishing typing this we caught another fish!! Louise
Ground hog day, again! The full crew surface earlier nowadays as everyone is now well rested. The one that looks like a sailor had a shower whilst on duty last night complements of the rain gods. Miss Congeniality is lathering up on the coach roof with sunlight dishwashing soap and sea water. I think Unilever neglected to include this on the usage instructions. The artist is taking daily pics (from the nipples up) to chronograph his journey into manhood. Terridactal the skipper is throwing the artists breakfast (which consists of semi fermented fruit- we do have alcohol dammit) overboard which nearly caused a mutiny. The washerwoman has now camouflaged the boat with her leopard print leggings and Lycra outfits, and there are many On the Cape to Rio race we have yet to heed Alan Haf’s advice and point the sharp end of the boat towards Rio. That moment is however eagerly awaited
Ray of Light
Strategic decision to work North. Found some wind this morning, back on track. Wind is still fickle. Trying to keep some N in our course. Pancakes this morning. Awesome day, very hot. Clothes washing day. Soft shackle production started, Francois determined to master the art. Sean did 4 hours on the helm this morning to help make up some ground. Two more Dorado. Yesterday afternoon the Dorado were all around the boat, great sports, released most. In 2017 we only caught two Dorado the whole trip. Wonder if covid had a positive impact on fish stocks? Or if we are moving so slowly that the Dorado think we are a floating reef! We even had a Dorado fingerling in the wake for a while. Stunning out here, loving it, thanks for the support.

Line Honours:

Pos Name Last update DTF (NM) Distance Sailed (NM) VMG Recent (Knots) Estimated finish time (SAST) Elapsed time Estimated finish time (SAST) corrected Elapsed time corrected Latest Position
1 Norhi 11 Jan 14:00:06 1689,4 1873,7 7,0 21 Jan 15:17:20 19d 1h 17m 20s 21 Jan 15:17:20 19d 1h 17m 20s 026° 11.982S, 012° 14.406W
2 Aventureiro 4 11 Jan 14:00:05 1741,2 1721,5 5,3 25 Jan 08:40:31 22d 18h 40m 31s 25 Jan 08:40:31 22d 18h 40m 31s 025° 59.916S, 011° 16.944W
3 Translated 9 11 Jan 14:00:05 1861,2 1564,3 3,0 06 Feb 03:29:55 34d 13h 29m 55s 06 Feb 03:29:55 34d 13h 29m 55s 028° 14.142S, 009° 03.468W
4 Atalanta 11 Jan 14:00:05 1884,2 1583,7 5,3 26 Jan 10:37:52 23d 20h 37m 52s 26 Jan 10:37:52 23d 20h 37m 52s 025° 16.734S, 008° 39.918W
5 Nemesis 11 Jan 14:00:29 1979,4 1510,2 4,6 29 Jan 15:31:42 27d 1h 31m 42s 29 Jan 15:31:42 27d 1h 31m 42s 027° 59.910S, 006° 49.110W
6 Audaz II 11 Jan 14:00:05 2122,0 1436,1 2,4 17 Feb 16:18:10 46d 2h 18m 10s 17 Feb 16:18:10 46d 2h 18m 10s 022° 17.212S, 004° 39.161W
7 Ray of Light 11 Jan 14:00:05 2162,9 1556,6 0,5 19 Jul 06:40:29 197d 16h 40m 29s 19 Jul 06:40:29 197d 16h 40m 29s 021° 05.940S, 004° 07.494W
8 Sterna 11 Jan 14:00:04 2185,4 1262,6 2,9 11 Feb 11:10:40 39d 21h 10m 40s 11 Feb 11:10:40 39d 21h 10m 40s 027° 07.866S, 002° 57.714W
9 Alexforbes ArchAngel 11 Jan 14:00:05 2262,7 1260,5 2,1 25 Feb 18:57:19 54d 4h 57m 19s 25 Feb 18:57:19 54d 4h 57m 19s 025° 03.162S, 001° 41.598W
10 Faros 11 Jan 14:01:05 2301,6 1130,2 2,8 14 Feb 19:36:02 43d 5h 36m 2s 14 Feb 19:36:02 43d 5h 36m 2s 027° 21.138S, 000° 46.152W
11 Felix 11 Jan 14:00:05 2316,2 1173,9 0,9 02 May 09:50:17 119d 19h 50m 17s 02 May 09:50:17 119d 19h 50m 17s 026° 36.072S, 000° 32.934W
12 DHL Me2Me 11 Jan 14:00:05 2405,4 1159,3 3,0 14 Feb 04:13:32 42d 14h 13m 32s 14 Feb 04:13:32 42d 14h 13m 32s 026° 22.140S, 001° 05.796E
13 Argonaut 11 Jan 14:00:06 2408,8 1339,2 4,1 05 Feb 04:31:57 33d 14h 31m 57s 05 Feb 04:31:57 33d 14h 31m 57s 020° 39.864S, 000° 15.132E
14 Nyamazela 11 Jan 14:00:06 2446,1 1082,1 1,9 05 Mar 22:06:08 62d 8h 6m 8s 05 Mar 22:06:08 62d 8h 6m 8s 024° 26.652S, 001° 37.122E
Tarini 11 Jan 14:00:29 2369,0 1403,0 3,5 08 Feb 22:33:06 RETIRED – Skipper retired 08/01 019° 39.774S, 000° 41.856W
The Impossible Machine 11 Jan 14:00:05 2416,0 1265,1 2,7 18 Feb 03:14:35 RETIRED – 09/01 – skipper retired vessel 022° 43.188S, 000° 47.394E


Pos Name Rating Last update DTF (NM) Distance Sailed (NM) VMG Recent (Knots) Estimated finish time (SAST) Elapsed time Estimated finish time (SAST) corrected Elapsed time corrected Latest Position
1 Atalanta 1,007 11 Jan 14:00:05 1884,2 1583,7 5,3 26 Jan 10:37:52 23d 20h 37m 52s 26 Jan 14:38:22 24d 0h 38m 22s 025° 16.734S, 008° 39.918W
2 Nemesis 1,081 11 Jan 14:00:29 1979,4 1510,2 4,6 29 Jan 15:31:42 27d 1h 31m 42s 31 Jan 20:08:24 29d 6h 8m 24s 027° 59.910S, 006° 49.110W
3 Argonaut 1,055 11 Jan 14:00:06 2408,8 1339,2 4,1 05 Feb 04:31:57 33d 14h 31m 57s 07 Feb 00:53:30 35d 10h 53m 30s 020° 39.864S, 000° 15.132E
4 Translated 9 1,134 11 Jan 14:00:05 1861,2 1564,3 3,0 06 Feb 03:29:55 34d 13h 29m 55s 10 Feb 18:39:05 39d 4h 39m 5s 028° 14.142S, 009° 03.468W
5 Sterna 1,071 11 Jan 14:00:04 2185,4 1262,6 2,9 11 Feb 11:10:40 39d 21h 10m 40s 14 Feb 07:08:15 42d 17h 8m 15s 027° 07.866S, 002° 57.714W
6 DHL Me2Me 1,008 11 Jan 14:00:05 2405,4 1159,3 3,0 14 Feb 04:13:32 42d 14h 13m 32s 14 Feb 12:24:12 42d 22h 24m 12s 026° 22.140S, 001° 05.796E
7 Audaz II 1,126 11 Jan 14:00:05 2122,0 1436,1 2,4 17 Feb 16:18:10 46d 2h 18m 10s 23 Feb 11:41:49 51d 21h 41m 49s 022° 17.212S, 004° 39.161W
8 Alexforbes ArchAngel 0,997 11 Jan 14:00:05 2262,7 1260,5 2,1 25 Feb 18:57:19 54d 4h 57m 19s 25 Feb 15:03:09 54d 1h 3m 9s 025° 03.162S, 001° 41.598W
9 Nyamazela 0,948 11 Jan 14:00:06 2446,1 1082,1 1,9 05 Mar 22:06:08 62d 8h 6m 8s 02 Mar 16:18:18 59d 2h 18m 18s 024° 26.652S, 001° 37.122E
10 Felix 0,932 11 Jan 14:00:05 2316,2 1173,9 0,9 02 May 09:50:17 119d 19h 50m 17s 24 Apr 06:16:52 111d 16h 16m 52s 026° 36.072S, 000° 32.934W
11 Ray of Light 1,118 11 Jan 14:00:05 2162,9 1556,6 0,5 19 Jul 06:40:29 197d 16h 40m 29s 11 Aug 14:32:47 221d 0h 32m 47s 021° 05.940S, 004° 07.494W
The Impossible Machine 0,972 11 Jan 14:00:05 2416,0 1265,1 2,7 18 Feb 03:14:35 RETIRED – 09/01 – skipper retired vessel 022° 43.188S, 000° 47.394E
Tarini 1,162 11 Jan 14:00:29 2369,0 1403,0 3,5 08 Feb 22:33:06 RETIRED – Skipper retired 08/01 019° 39.774S, 000° 41.856W


Pos Name Rating Last update DTF (NM) Distance Sailed (NM) VMG Recent (Knots) Estimated finish time (SAST) Elapsed time Estimated finish time (SAST) corrected Elapsed time corrected Latest Position
1 Norhi 1,136 11 Jan 14:00:06 1689,4 1873,7 7,0 21 Jan 15:17:20 19d 1h 17m 20s 24 Jan 05:28:49 21d 15h 28m 49s 026° 11.982S, 012° 14.406W
2 Aventureiro 4 1,178 11 Jan 14:00:05 1741,2 1721,5 5,3 25 Jan 08:40:31 22d 18h 40m 31s 29 Jan 09:59:01 26d 19h 59m 1s 025° 59.916S, 011° 16.944W


Pos Name Rating Last update DTF (NM) Distance Sailed (NM) VMG Recent (Knots) Estimated finish time (SAST) Elapsed time Estimated finish time (SAST) corrected Elapsed time corrected Latest Position
1 Atalanta 1,107 11 Jan 14:00:05 1884,2 1583,7 5,3 26 Jan 10:37:52 23d 20h 37m 52s 28 Jan 23:36:59 26d 9h 36m 59s 025° 16.734S, 008° 39.918W
2 Nemesis 1,178 11 Jan 14:00:29 1979,4 1510,2 4,6 29 Jan 15:31:42 27d 1h 31m 42s 03 Feb 11:08:40 31d 21h 8m 40s 027° 59.910S, 006° 49.110W
3 Argonaut 1,152 11 Jan 14:00:06 2408,8 1339,2 4,1 05 Feb 04:31:57 33d 14h 31m 57s 10 Feb 07:07:32 38d 17h 7m 32s 020° 39.864S, 000° 15.132E
4 Faros 1,043 11 Jan 14:01:05 2301,6 1130,2 2,8 14 Feb 19:36:02 43d 5h 36m 2s 16 Feb 15:48:08 45d 1h 48m 8s 027° 21.138S, 000° 46.152W
5 DHL Me2Me 1,092 11 Jan 14:00:05 2405,4 1159,3 3,0 14 Feb 04:13:32 42d 14h 13m 32s 18 Feb 02:34:37 46d 12h 34m 37s 026° 22.140S, 001° 05.796E
6 Sterna 1,172 11 Jan 14:00:04 2185,4 1262,6 2,9 11 Feb 11:10:40 39d 21h 10m 40s 18 Feb 07:37:15 46d 17h 37m 15s 027° 07.866S, 002° 57.714W
7 Alexforbes ArchAngel 1,063 11 Jan 14:00:05 2262,7 1260,5 2,1 25 Feb 18:57:19 54d 4h 57m 19s 01 Mar 05:02:44 57d 15h 2m 44s 025° 03.162S, 001° 41.598W
8 Nyamazela 1,012 11 Jan 14:00:06 2446,1 1082,1 1,9 05 Mar 22:06:08 62d 8h 6m 8s 06 Mar 15:36:24 63d 1h 36m 24s 024° 26.652S, 001° 37.122E
9 Felix 1,012 11 Jan 14:00:05 2316,2 1173,9 0,9 02 May 09:50:17 119d 19h 50m 17s 03 May 21:12:39 121d 7h 12m 39s 026° 36.072S, 000° 32.934W
10 Ray of Light 1,211 11 Jan 14:00:05 2162,9 1556,6 0,5 19 Jul 06:40:29 197d 16h 40m 29s 29 Aug 23:19:36 239d 9h 19m 36s 021° 05.940S, 004° 07.494W



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